02-27-25 FED Slibe MG PM

Your Evening News

Evening, eagles! Freedom Eagle Daily lands to wrap your Thursday with the news that bites. California’s cooking up a law to strip your self-defense rights, while Trump’s swinging back with an executive order to gut the swamp’s security racket. We’ve got a poll to flex your voice and a video slot to fire up your red, white, and blue spirit. Dive in—America’s got teeth tonight!

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Melania Trump Breaks The Silence Live Today

Melania Trump has made a respectable name for herself as one of America's most respected icons. She is also known for speaking her mind.

In an exclusive interview Melania Trump exposes shocking secret. She went on to say that she honestly didn't expect things to get this big...

Here is what she said: "I know this is a subject that many people don't want to talk about, but..."

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Top Stories:

A California lefty’s pushing a bill to shred your self-defense rights, leaving law-abiding folks defenseless while criminals run wild—another Golden State gift from the gun-grabbing crowd that hates your freedom!

Trump’s latest executive order is a buzzsaw through the deep state’s cushy clearance racket—yanking perks from disloyal bureaucrats and putting America First over the whining elitists’ gravy train!

Political Poll of the Day:

Should California stop coddling crooks and let citizens defend themselves?

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

Video of the Day:

Have a great night!
Sam Bennett

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