03-21-24 FED SFLA PM

Dear Pro-Life Friend,

My jaw hit the floor when I read the news . . .

The University of Houston (UH) recently unveiled an 18-foot Satanic statue that will be displayed on their campus at Cullen Family Plaza for nine months!

The golden statue called “Witness” – complete with goat-horn braids and tentacle-like arms – is meant to “celebrate” abortion and honor the late-Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

The fact that the Abortion Lobby has so brazenly and publicly locked arms with evil doesn’t surprise me . . .

These are people who put preborn babies to death after all!

But the fact that school administrators in a pro-life state like Texas want this monstrosity towering over their students has me so MAD I can barely see straight!

My name is Kristan Hawkins. I’m President of Students for Life of America – an organization the BBC called “one of the largest, most influential anti-abortion groups in the country.”

Students for Life is fighting back against this madness – if I can count on your action and support today.

FIRSTwill you please sign your petition to the University of Houston’s Board of Regents, insisting they REMOVE this Satanic abortion statue?

SECOND will you please agree to your most generous contribution of $15, $45, $120, or more to help Students for Life counter their Satanic statue?

When this monstrous statue was unveiled, our pro-life students put up a “Cemetery of Innocents” display featuring a pink cross for each of the 1,025 little preborn boys and girls Planned Parenthood puts to death every day.

With your prayers and support, Students for Life will put up more “Cemetery of Innocents” displays on campuses all across the nation!

Pro-abortion radicals do everything in their power to cover up the reality of what they support.

They dehumanize babies with terms like “fetuses” and “products of conception.”

They refer to abortion as a “choice” or “healthcare.”

But these “Cemetery of Innocents” cross displays are an incredibly powerful tool in bringing the argument over abortion back to reality.

For all their euphemisms, what the Abortion Lobby really supports is mass killing.

They support EVIL.

Even students who aren’t pro-life immediately grow solemn the moment they cast eyes on these displays!

So if the University of Houston wants to celebrate the author of evil with their Satanic statue, let them also come to grips with his handiwork – the killing of innocent babies.

Sadly, some do rejoice in that.

One woman I recently met during my speaking tour at the University of Northern Arizona was wearing Satanic jewelry around her neck and argued with me that she supported abortion because it was a Satanic ritual!

But all these radicals do is drive more people into our camp . . .

It’s up to you and me to expose them.

If you agree, please sign your petition to the University of Houston’s Board of Regents, insisting they REMOVE this Satanic abortion statue.

And then, if at all possible, please agree to your most generous contribution of $15, $45, $120, or more to help Students for Life counter this Satanic statue with the stark reality of abortion!

Your tax-deductible gift today will help me put up more “Cemetery of Innocents” displays on campuses all across the nation.

For Life,

Kristan Hawkins
President, Students for Life

P.S. – The University of Houston just unveiled and 18-foot Satanic statue on their campus!

Please sign your petition to the University of Houston’s Board of Regents, insisting they REMOVE this Satanic abortion statue.

And then, if at all possible, please agree to your most generous contribution of $15, $45, $120, or more to help Students for Life counter this Satanic statue with our “Cemetery of Innocents” display at the University of Houston and campuses all across the nation!

Students for Life of America (SFLA) is a 501(c)3 organization. All donations are 100% tax-deductible.
Students for Life of America
1000 Winchester St., Suite 301, Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Office: 540.834.4600