04-07-24 FED Lion PM

If you think digestive issues like bloating, constipation or GERD are caused by what you eat... think again!

A recent abdominal ultrasound from the University of Michigan Medical School has shown that digestive problems are caused by something deemed as the "gut-piranha".

Once installed comfortably in your gut, this microscopic blue parasite will start devouring your stomach lining.

Since your stool can't "slide" normally anymore, parts of it get stuck one over the other until they pile up and clog your intestines. In turn, this will cause all sorts of digestive issues and weight gain.

So, if you're dealing with indigestion or diarrhea, no matter if this happens often or just a couple of times per month...

You need to watch this video immediately!

There is now clear proof that more and more Americans have this "blue gut-piranha" in their gut.