05-07-24 FED News

A DA Above the Law, a Suspect in a NC Shooting & More to Read

Today’s Conservative News

Hey there…glad you could click in to see how things are going. Settle in so that we can share the latest news with you.

Cartoon of the Day

Above the Law?

One DA in New York was being pulled over by a cop. She decided not to stop because, well, she didn’t want to. Instead, she tried calling above the officer’s head to make it all go away.

In the end, she accepted the ticket because she was, in fact, breaking the law.

She did try to get out of it, though.

First responders, cleanup crews, residents, and students who worked or lived near ground zero between Sept 11, 2001, and May 30, 2002, may be entitled to significant compensation for cancer or respiratory illnesses that developed after 9/11.

Video of the Day

Talk to you soon,
Sam Bennett

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