08-05-24 FED RAV-AG News PM

The IOC Won’t Even Discuss How This Isn’t Fair

Your Evening News

Before you log off for the night, we thought we’d send you a bit more news so that you know what’s going on in the world, as well as an inspirational quote.

Inspirational Quote

“The American Dream I believe in is one that provides anyone willing to work hard enough with the opportunity to succeed.”

Tammy Duckworth, former U.S. Army lieutenant colonel and United States Senator for Illinois since 2017

The Latest News

Olympic Farce: Biological Male Boxer Knocks Out Female Opponent with Devastating Blow

In yet another egregious example of woke ideology trumping common sense, a biological male competing as a woman knocked out his female opponent just 46 seconds into their Olympic match yesterday. And get this - he's allowed to keep fighting despite being previously banned from competition due to concerns over his eligibility!

Italian boxer Angela Carini wisely chose to abandon ship when faced with the brutal reality of going up against Algeria's Imane Khelif, a competitor whose very presence in the ring is a slap in the face to every hardworking female athlete. After getting clocked by Khelif's crushing blow, Carini understandably refused to continue, recognizing that discretion is often the better part of valor.

But what makes this whole debacle truly galling is that Khelif should never have been allowed near the Olympic stage in the first place! Last year, he got booted from the World Championships because authorities deemed him ineligible to compete in women's events. But somehow, some way, he managed to weasel his way past the gatekeepers once again.

And don't expect any real answers from the powers-that-be either; all they'll say is that these dubious competitors "did not undergo a testosterone examination but were subject to a separate and recognized test."


U.S. Dollar to Collapse in 2024 - Secure Your Assets Now!

The writing's on the wall: The U.S. dollar is set for a tumultuous 2024. Experts predict a consistent weakening of the dollar as the Federal Reserve winds down its interest rate hikes. This isn't just a minor fluctuation; it would be a seismic shift in the financial landscape.

Here's what you need to know : As interest rates drop, the allure of dollar-denominated assets fades. Investors are already on the move , seeking opportunities with better yields as the dollar loses its grip.

But what does this mean for you? Your hard-earned savings, your investments, your retirement plans – all vulnerable to the dollar's instability.

There's a silver lining, though. This isn't a time for panic; it's a time for strategic action . There are assets that not only can withstand this turbulence but actually thrive in it. The Big Banks don't want you to know about them because they can't profit from them. But, you can!

Want to know the secret to securing your wealth against the dollar's decline? Click here to discover the asset that could be your financial lifeboat in 2024's stormy economic seas.

Click here to find out how you can shield your finances from the Bidenomics squeeze. Don't let inflation be the end of your financial dreams.

How Banks Can Seize Your Accounts

Banks don’t need your permission to legally seize your deposits.
This is how you can protect your savings.   Learn More

This Tax Loophole Is Kept Secret by the IRS

The IRS is trying to close the tax loophole that can safeguard your IRA or 401k from market crashes and recessions. Learn More

This Secret Wall Street Tax Perk Is a Game-Changer for Your Retirement

It moves your IRA or 401(k) out of Wall Street’s and Big Bank’s hands and unlocks even greater profit opportunities.Learn More

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A Must-Read Tweet

Have a great night!
Sam Bennett

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