05-22-24 FED News Emailabilities PM

Polluted Cities, a Trans Runner & Other Late-Night News

Your Evening News

Before you log off for the night, we thought we’d send you a bit more news so that you know what’s going on in the world, as well as an inspirational quote.

Inspirational Quote

“You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will live as one. “

- John Lennon

The Latest Stories

CA Might Be Filled with Climate Fanatics, but It’s Still on the Most Polluted City List

It’s no secret that liberal led states like California are all about climate change and limiting our impact on the environment. and yet, according to the most recent American Lung Association’s “State of the Air” report, California has the most most-polluted cities of any in the nation.

Bakersfield, Los Angeles-Long Beach, Sacramento-Roseville, Visalia, Fresno-Madera-Handford, and San Jose-San Francisco-Oakland, all rank in the top ten for worst pollution. California takes gold, silver, and bronze in the category.

And several Oregon cities, another liberally led state, take similar spots.

Meanwhile, Republican-led states have the cleanest cities…

Trans Runner Beats High School Girls Only for Crowd to Turn on Him

In recent months, you have probably heard and seen a push to allow transgender students to compete in girls’ sports. And while many have succeeded on that front, they have more recently found that winning isn’t everything.

Transgender athlete (biological male) Aayden Gallagher, for instance, just won the Girls 6A 200-meter state championship in Eugene, Oregon.

But his cross across the finish line was met not with cheers, just boos and jeers. And the booing continued as he received the state title on the podium.



Biden's Silent War On Retirees

While Biden gladly used a tax loophole to avoid $500,000+ in payroll taxes… 


He's thrown $80 billion at the IRS to build an army of 87,000 new auditors… and shake down millions of Americans struggling to save up for retirement.


This is not the first time “Fair Share” Biden has targeted retirees.


In 1983, he voted to slap a 50% tax on Social Security…


Then he voted to increase it to 85% in 1994…


And now he’s determined to ram through Congress a $4.7 TRILLION tax hike…


That includes punishing taxes on retirement investments and even Medicare.


As you can see, “Middle Class” Joe has been waging a silent war on retirees for decades…


But in a move that went largely unnoticed…


President Trump deliberately left open an IRS Loophole that could shield your nest egg from Biden’s relentless attack on hard-working Americans.


Few people reported on it…


But thanks to this genius IRS Loophole, you can take your IRA, 401(k), Pension, and cash out of stocks, bonds and bank accounts…


And shield them from the grabby hands of Biden’s agents.


Best part? You can do so without paying a cent in taxes or penalties.


This 100% legal loophole was designed to help retirement-age Americans protect their wealth from interest rate hikes… geopolitical tension… inflation… a volatile Wall Street… and greedy government overlords…


But when you claim your 100% free exclusive guide, you’ll discover how to exploit this IRS Loophole in 1 simple step.


So claim your free, no-strings-attached info guide below – while you still can.


A Must-Read Tweet

Have a great night!
Sam Bennett

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