05-23-24 FED Lion News PM

Your Evening News

Before you log off for the night, we thought we’d send you a bit more news so that you know what’s going on in the world, as well as an inspirational quote.

What’s Going on with Jack Smith? And Biden…

Inspirational Quote

“Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale.”

Hans Christian Andersen

The Latest Stories

Trump Judge Calls Out Jack Smith's Concerning Behavior

By now, it's no real secret that the liberal left is using lawfare to stop Donald Trump from winning the 2024 general election. And for a while, it may have looked as if they might succeed. But the tables are beginning to turn as more and more questionable behavior is seen from those prosecuting the former president.

For instance, Florida's US District Judge Aileen Cannon has just officially filed "concerns" about special counsel Jack Smith's inconsistent behavior regarding the classified documents case against Trump.

When it suited his case, Smith had no problem with sharing case information with the public. But now, for whatever reason, he's suddenly against it… And even Cannon sees a problem with that.

Biden and Dems Officially in Denial

As I'm sure you've heard, Joe Biden is trailing in national polls and in most state polls. This would be the time for most sane and rational people to take stock, make some serious changes, or bow out gracefully.

Just look at this tweet

Of course, he and his allies are doing nothing of the sort. Instead, they are all emphatic that all the polls are apparently wrong, that they are doing a good job, and that they will beat Trump come November.

To be sure, polls are not always on the nose and can be wrong. But this many, this late? Boy, do they sound like fools…


If statistics say you have a better chance of becoming the president of the US than of winning at the Lottery...

How come there are people out there crushing the lottery CONSISTENTLY, every single month?

I'm not sure you're going to like what this 7-time lotto winner has to say...

Because the TRUTH is...

You NEVER stood a chance of winning the lottery... (They trick you into choosing the wrong numbers every single time you buy a ticket...)

But no matter how angry you get while watching it...wait until minute 06:14...

That's when you get your sweet revenge...

And find out the only thing you need to know in order to win REPEATEDLY... and collect thousands of dollars by the end of this month...


Good luck,

Kenneth L.

A Must-Read Tweet

Have a great night!
Sam Bennett

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