06-03-24 FED PM

Pushing Israel and a Commencement Gone Wrong?

Your Evening News

Before you log off for the night, we thought we’d send you a bit more news so that you know what’s going on in the world, as well as an inspirational quote.

Inspirational Quote

"I was taught that the way of progress was neither swift nor easy." 

– Marie Curie

The Latest Stories

Two-State Solution Pushes Israel to Give Up Historic Territory

As you know, the government in Israel is quite unique, being led by two states, Israel and Palestine. The problem for “Palestine” is that they don’t have any actual land, hence the whole belief that Israel is “occupying” their ancestral homelands.

One solution being offered is that Israel gives a portion of their land to Palestine. However, it seems the only land the latter will be happy with is also the ancestral land of the Jews and pretty much the heart of Israel as a nation.

Remember all those Old Testament stories of ancient Israel, in Samaria and Judea, that’s the land that “Palestine” wants…

High Schooler Proclaims Gospel During Commencement Speech and is Denied Diploma

As a top-performing student at Campbell County High School in Kentucky, graduate Micah Price was asked to give a short commencement speech. But when he veered off script to proclaim his love and faith in Jesus Christ, he was denied his diploma.

Price admits that he did technically violate the rules by adding words and phrases that the school’s administration had not previously approved. But to deny him his hard-earned diploma? And for just adding a few lines about the love and grace of Jesus?

It all seems a bit much… There are far worse things he could have said.

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Have a great night!
Sam Bennett

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