06-05-24 FED News Mid Day

Dream of a Vacay on Your Lunch Break & Catch Up on Some News

A Mid-Day News Break

Whether you’re reading this on your lunch break or just as a way to get your mind off of things, we’re glad you’re here…and we have some news that has been carefully curated!

The Latest News


We know you love President Trump and can’t wait for his return to the White House. We also know Biden’s put your wallet in a bind. Let’s do something about both. Start here.

Dreaming of a Vacation?

How about British Virgin Islands?

Most people travel to Cairo, Egypt, to view colossal ancient monuments like the Great Sphinx and the Pyramids of Giza. But there is so much more to do in this city. 

For history buffs, the pyramids are a great start. But you also have to check out Coptic Cairo or the Old City. It’s the oldest part of the city, and it offers legends, centuries-old churches, and biblical sites. 

Tired of looking at the past? Check out the Khan El-Khalili bazaar or relax in Al Azhar Park. Taking a felucca ride on the Nile is always a good idea, too.

5 Weird Facts of the Day

Just when you think things couldn’t get any weirder…

  • Crying can make you feel happier.

  • The fastest man in the world has scoliosis.

  • 62 percent of people living in Iceland believe in elves.

  • Sunglasses were originally designed to hide facial expressions

  • Roasted termites and ants are eaten like popcorn in South Africa

Talk to you soon,
Sam Bennett

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