06-05-24 FED News PM

The Newest Title for Meghan Markle Will Have You Questioning Everything

Your Evening News

Before you log off for the night, we thought we’d send you a bit more news so that you know what’s going on in the world, as well as an inspirational quote.

Inspirational Quote

"Love the life you live. Live the life you love."

Bob Marley

The Latest Stories

Meghan Markle to Be Called “Princess Henry”

As you likely know, Prince Henry and Meghan Markle want nothing to do with the Crown or the Royal Family. As such, it has been suggested that perhaps they should lose their official titles as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

However, doing so might be even more problematic.

For starters, it would once again make H and M the center of attention. Secondly, it would make Meghan “Princess Henry,” as royal etiquette requires that a princess be called by her husband’s proper first name if she wants that title…

CA Sheriff Goes All-In, ‘Changing Teams’ for Trump

Sheriffs, by the very definition of their jobs, are supposed to be against crime and criminals. And yet, one in California is “changing teams” to vote for a felon this year. Naturally, that felon is none other than former President Donald Trump, who was just harangued in a sham of a court trial and convicted of 34 felony counts.

Luckily, for you, me, and Sheriff Chad Bianco of Riverside County, California, that doesn’t mean Trump can’t be our next president and finally begin to reverse the dangerous path that Joe Biden has put us on. So maybe it’s time we “put a felon in the White House.”


You know not all lighters are created equally. And this one stands above rest, not only because it has Trump on it, but due its sheer quality too. Get yours here.

A Must-Read Tweet

Have a great night!
Sam Bennett

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