06-08-24 FED News PM

Biden’s Threats and the NFL’s Backlash Against Pride Month

Your Evening News

Before you log off for the night, we thought we’d send you a bit more news so that you know what’s going on in the world, as well as an inspirational quote.

Inspirational Quote

"You're killing me, Smalls."

The Sandlot, 1993

The Latest Stories

Biden Tells Reporter, "I Can Take You"

Biden doesn't sit down to actual interviews very often – this is exactly why…

On May 28, the octogenarian sat down with Time magazine for a one-on-one with a friendly outlet. As usual, the whole thing was pretty much filled with "unintelligible" words, lies upon lies, and multiple mistakes.

But the real telling part came when Biden was asked about people's concerns about his age. His response was, "I can do it better than anybody you know. You're looking at me; I can take you, too."

Talk about a crazy, testy old man…

Nine NFL Teams Refuse to Celebrate Pride Month

None of us should be too surprised that this year's "pride" month is quieter than last year's. After fiascos for brands like Target and Bud Light, one can hardly expect the in-your-face LGBTQ+ promotions of old.

The NFL, or more notably, nine NFL teams, seem to have taken particular notice.

As you might expect, at the beginning of June, many were quick to usher in the month with their extortion of pride inclusion – all but nine NFL teams – that is.

So far, the Atlanta Falcons, Cincinnati Bengals, Cleveland Browns, Dallas Cowboys, Denver Broncos, Kansas City Chiefs, New Orleans Saints, Pittsburgh Steelers, and Tennessee Titans have been mum on the month…


They say sugar is bad for you and your body. But this sweetener is even worse. Find out what it’s doing to your A1C levels…

A Must-Read Tweet

Have a great night!
Sam Bennett

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