06-13-24 FED RAV-GoldCo News PM

Finally, Pediatricians Stop with the Trans Surgeries on Kids…and Other News

Your Evening News

Before you log off for the night, we thought we’d send you a bit more news so that you know what’s going on in the world, as well as an inspirational quote.

Inspirational Quote

“This country is bigger than Wall Street. If they don’t believe it, show ’em the map.”

- Will Rogers

The Latest Stories

College of Pediatricians Demands Halt of Trans Procedures in Children

Unfortunately, the transgender movement has put far too many children at risk. Whether endangered because of life-altering procedures they will have to forever live with or by putting cross-dressing adults in their bathrooms and locker rooms, it’s gotten way too dangerous for them.

Thankfully, a growing number of medical professionals see those dangers and are now demanding something be done about it.

In fact, the American College of Pediatricians is calling for a complete and immediate halt to all sex-changing procedures for children nationwide.

We hope this call is heeded and that others in the industry see the wisdom behind it.

State Supreme Court Backs GOP for Removal of Soros-Backed Prosecutor

Last year, Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis suspended a couple of state attorneys, citing “dereliction of duty” and “incompetence” after policies and practices put in place by them allowed dangerous criminals to evade the law and nearly all consequences.

Naturally, the George Soros-backed prosecutors didn’t like this, so they claimed the move was politically motivated and sued him.

Thankfully, Florida’s Supreme Court just ruled the suspension was fully within DeSantis’s rights as governor.


If you think Biden's tax-and-spend agenda could slaughter your retirement it’s possible that…

If you think Biden's tax-and-spend agenda could slaughter your retirement it’s possible that…

You're Right Text with Underline
You're Right Text with Underline

 Ben Stein  just uncovered the filthy 2024 election details you need to see before it’s too late.

The election is shaping up to be a $6 TRILLION make-or-break moment for American retirees...

And Stein won’t stand for it. That’s why he reveals the steps he's taking to insulate his own retirement from the Election nightmare and the inevitable devaluation of the dollar!

 Ben Stein  just uncovered the filthy 2024 election details you need to see before it’s too late.

The election is shaping up to be a $6 TRILLION make-or-break moment for American retirees...

And Stein won’t stand for it. That’s why he reveals the steps he's taking to insulate his own retirement from the Election nightmare and the inevitable devaluation of the dollar!

Ben Stein's New Report: How To Survive The 2024 Presidential Election
Ben Stein's New Report: How To Survive The 2024 Presidential Election

Supplies of this controversial report are  strictly limited,  so we’re issuing copies on a first-come, first-served basis only — in fact, we may be forced to suspend distribution at any time.

That’s why FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY, we're giving away FREE copies of Stein's new guide that blows the lid off Biden's $6 Trillion money-grab. 

>>> Claim your copy before time runs out!

Supplies of this controversial report are  strictly limited,  so we’re issuing copies on a first-come, first-served basis only — in fact, we may be forced to suspend distribution at any time.

That’s why FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY, we're giving away FREE copies of Stein's new guide that blows the lid off Biden's $6 Trillion money-grab. 

Before Time Runs Out!

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A Must-Read Tweet

Have a great night!
Sam Bennett

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