06-22-24 FED News PM

Welcome to Biden’s America, Where Women Get Called to the Draft, Too

Your Evening News

Before you log off for the night, we thought we’d send you a bit more news so that you know what’s going on in the world, as well as an inspirational quote.

Inspirational Quote

“You don’t always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go and see what happens.”

Mandy Hale

The Latest Stories

Requiring Women to Register for Draft: A Step Towards Equality?

A recent development in Capitol Hill may soon lead to significant changes in the way the US approaches its military drafting process. For decades, only males aged 18 and above had been mandated to enroll themselves in the Selective Service System, readying themselves for potential wartime duties. However, under newly proposed legislation, females too could find their names enlisted alongside their male counterparts.

This move comes amidst growing calls for equality across various aspects of society. Since 2013, women have actively participated in every level of the armed services, paving the path towards inclusivity. Now, proponents believe they ought to share similar responsibilities regarding compulsory enlistment.

Police Find Another 'Alien Monolith,' This Time In Nevada Desert

A newly discovered "mysterious monolith" has been located in a desert north of Las Vegas, according to the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. This reflective, metallic structure bears a resemblance to another monolith that appeared in Utah a few years ago. The structure was found near Gass Peak by the department's search and rescue unit during a routine operation over the weekend.

This incident follows a similar discovery several months ago when a hiker in Wales encountered what he described as a "UFO"-like monolith on a hillside near the border with England. Craig Muir, who captured the footage in March while hiking Hay Bluff near Hay-on-Wye, expressed his astonishment in the video, saying, "I come up here most days and I've never seen this before," and noted that it "almost looks like a UFO."


A lot has happened since Trump left the White House after his first term. Do you plan to vote for him, even though he’s been convicted?

A Must-Read Tweet

Have a great night!
Sam Bennett

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