06-24-24 FED Slibe News PM

Dying from Illicit Alcohol, and Eco Fanatics Spray Paint Taylor Swift’s Jet

Your Evening News

Before you log off for the night, we thought we’d send you a bit more news so that you know what’s going on in the world, as well as an inspirational quote.

Inspirational Quote

 “Success is falling nine times and getting up 10.”

Jon Bon Jovi

The Latest Stories

100s Die in India Due to Bootleg Booze

A devastating crisis unfolded this week in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu when over 100 individuals fell ill, and tragically, at least 34 lost their lives due to consumption of toxic illegal brews laced with poisonous substances like methanol. This heart-wrenching event took place within the confines of Kallakurichi District under Chief Minister MK Stain’s governance.

Throughout India, alcohol-related deaths are relatively common because the poor can’t afford the brands licensed and sold through government-run shops. Many of the illicit liquors are spiked with pesticides to increase potency.

Two Climate Activists Arrested After Spray Painting Two Jets Orange at London Airport (Including Swift’s)

A couple of eco-zealots affiliated with the radical activist outfit “Just Stop Oil” broke onto a restricted section of London Stansted Airport, only to be caught red-handed (or should I say, orange-sprayed?) defacing private aircraft – allegedly targeting pop sensation Taylor Swift’s luxurious ride.

Jennifer Kowalski, 28, and Cole Macdonald, 22, now face charges related to property destruction and obstruction following their botched attempt to hijack headlines under false pretenses. In reality, these self-proclaimed champions of social justice merely managed to inconvenience travelers, compromise safety protocols, and sully otherwise pristine airplanes with garish graffiti.


A Must-Read Tweet

Have a great night!
Sam Bennett

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