06-25-24 FED News Mid Day

Texas AG Has a Warning for Schools, and Vacation Planning

A Mid-Day News Break

Whether you’re reading this on your lunch break or just as a way to get your mind off of things, we’re glad you’re here…and we have some news that has been carefully curated!

The Latest News


Be sure that you show everyone that you’re a Trump supporter. Warning: It can trigger liberals.

Dreaming of a Vacation?

How about Juneau, Alaska?

While there are breweries, breathtaking views, and amazing crab legs to enjoy in Juneau, many people choose to take a tour that’s about 12 miles outside the city.

It’s here that you’ll enjoy the blue ice caves of Mendenhall Glacier. Various guided hikes will show you around the caves.

5 Weird Facts of the Day

Just when you think things couldn’t get any weirder…

  • Dogs can understand about 250 words and gestures.

  • Beer was considered safer to drink than water in ancient times.

  • The first balloons were made out of animal bladders.

  • Finland drinks more coffee per capita.

  • A dog’s nose is like a human fingerprint and can be used for identification.

Talk to you soon,
Sam Bennett

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