07-03-24 FED News Mid Day

A Jury Orders the NFL to Pay Out Billions

A Mid-Day News Break

Whether you’re reading this on your lunch break or just as a way to get your mind off of things, we’re glad you’re here…and we have some news that has been carefully curated!

The Latest News


You can take advantage of a 3,000-year-old beauty elixir that was once used by Cleopatra. Black cumin oil is the secret ingredient, and it offers a wide array of health benefits.

5 Weird Facts of the Day

Just when you think things couldn’t get any weirder…

  • Leonardo da Vinci designed the first car.

  • The first historical record of breakfast was ancient Egypt, where bread, beer, and onions were eaten before work.

  • Brass door knobs can disinfect themselves.

  • There are more trees on Earth than stars in the solar system.

  • Grasshoppers’ ears are found in their bellies.

Talk to you soon,
Sam Bennett

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