07-08-24 FED RAV-GoldCo News AM

Raising Taxes in Election Season? And a Look at Gas-Powered Tools

Today’s Morning News

Good Morning! So glad that you could wake up and click to read our morning newsletter. It’s packed with stuff, so be sure to read all the way through!

Your Daily Cartoon

Higher Taxes? Bad Idea, Elizabeth Warren

There are certain things you don’t do during election season. It’s a way of keeping the peace so that voters don’t lash out at a particular individual or party. Apparently, Elizabeth Warren didn’t get that memo.

She believes a corporate tax hike is the right move. It might not happen, though. Apparently, even the most progressive Democrats are weary of this kind of move.


Biden Fires Warning Shot...

Biden’s not holding back...

He’s warned you that he plans to raise:

  • Income taxes
  • Death taxes
  • Capital gains taxes
  • Corporate taxes

Some or all of which WILL affect you or your family in one way or another…

And let’s not forget the massive inflation time bomb Biden & the democrats are building...

It’s sickening.

And if you don’t plan for this now...

You may as well kiss your retirement savings goodbye...

But it’s not too late… yet.

Thousands of Americans are getting their FREE 2024 IRS Loophole Kit...

And discovering the secret to protecting their retirement savings from Biden and inflation.

Taking advantage of the IRS loophole couldn’t be easier...

You don’t need to be rich to use it…

You don’t need to be a tax expert to use it...

And it could protect you from Biden’s attack on your retirement savings...

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"Discover the 2024 IRS Loophole 
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- Sean Hannity

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The IRS Loophole Kit Is100% FREE

The 2 Day FedEx Shipping is100% FREE

The Process Is100% Tax FREE & Penalty FREE

Plus You Could Get Up to $10,000 In FREE SILVER

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Have a great day!
Sam Bennett