07-08-24 FED RAV-GoldCo News PM

More Species (Plants & Animals) Are Getting Added to the Endangered List

Your Evening News

Before you log off for the night, we thought we’d send you a bit more news so that you know what’s going on in the world, as well as an inspirational quote.

Inspirational Quote

“Challenges are gifts that force us to search for a new center of gravity. Don’t fight them. Just find a new way to stand.”


The Latest Stories

More Species Are Being Threatened

There are always conservation efforts in place to save animals. But did you know that there are currently about 45,000 species that are endangered right now? That’s about 1,000 more than last year, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

All of this is devastating, and some species, like the Borneo elephant, may be down to only about 1,000 left on the planet.

It’s not all bad news, though. Some species are actually thriving thanks to conservation efforts, including the Iberian lynx.

Former NYT Journalist Lashes Out

A scathing indictment of the mainstream media's dereliction of duty has come from none other than Jill Abramson, the former Executive Editor of the esteemed New York Times. In a searing opinion editorial published recently in Semafor, Abramson excoriates the so-called fourth estate for deliberately concealing the unvarnished truth about President Joe Biden's precarious mental state.

She commented, “It’s clear the best news reporters in Washington have failed in the first duty of journalism: to hold power accountable. It is our duty to poke through White House smoke screens and find out the truth. The Biden White House clearly succeeded in a massive cover-up of the degree of the President’s feebleness and his serious physical decline, which may be simply the result of old age. Shame on the White House press corps for not to have pierced the veil of secrecy surrounding the President.”

Well, she didn’t hold back, and she’s 100% accurate.


“In times of uncertainty, we need to be vigilant about protecting what’s ours. 
That’s why I urge you to read this important message…

Sean Hannity

Biden’s a predictable disaster.

Ask him to lead the country in a time of crisis…

Not a word.

Ask him about the 40 year high inflation…

Not a word.

Ask him why you’re paying more for gasoline… 

Why it cost a fortune to heat and cool your home…

I'm an image

And why everything you buy at the store is more expensive…


Instead, he’ll stand in front of a teleprompter and sell you on a repackaged “Build Back Broke” deal, paid for by your retirement savings.

But wait! Biden says, “under my plan, nobody earning less than $400,000 a year will pay an additional penny in new taxes.”

Yeah, is that right Joe? No new taxes?

Don’t believe it.

He voted for a new 50% tax on Social Security benefits in 1983…

He voted for 85% taxes on Social Security benefits in 1994…

He voted for Estate Taxes in 2000…

Now, he wants to raise over $3.3 TRILLION in NEW taxes. 

Who do you think will pay for that?

Are you prepared for higher inflation, higher costs, and less money for yourself…

Or do you want to PROTECT YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY before it’s too late?

If you have $50,000 or more in retirement savings…

I think you should protect your retirement savings NOW, just like thousands of other Americans have already done…

That’s why we put together an easy-to-follow blueprint that could help protect your retirement savings from Biden’s greedy hands.

==> CLICK HERE to get your FREE 2024 Wealth Protection Kit

  • There’s NO Cost or Obligation
  • The Kit is 100% FREE
  • Even the FedEx Shipping is 100% FREE

Inside you’re going to discover how simple it is to protect your retirement savings, and how you can do it 100% TAX FREE & PENALTY FREE.

Look, I’ve done my research…

And this is what I recommend to my audience, friends, and family…

Click Here to Request Your FREE 2024 Wealth Protection Kit

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A Must-Read Tweet

Have a great night!
Sam Bennett

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