07-11-24 FED News Mid Day

Wait, Dems WANT to be targeted by Trump??

A Mid-Day News Break

Whether you’re reading this on your lunch break or just as a way to get your mind off of things, we’re glad you’re here…and we have some news that has been carefully curated!

The Latest News


If you’re losing your memory or simply want to focus on your brain health, it’s important to eat the right foods – and performing one single brain trick can help significantly.

5 Weird Facts of the Day

Just when you think things couldn’t get any weirder…

  • The Warner Penthouse of the Four Seasons NYC is the most expensive hotel room in the world at about $34,000 per night.

  • Electric eels can produce a 600-volt shock.

  • John Adams and his wife were the first to live in the White House, not George and Martha Washington.

  • John Montagu was the 4th Earl of Sandwich, and he’s credited with being the creator of the sandwich.

  • The most beer per capita is consumed in the Czech Republic.

Talk to you soon,
Sam Bennett

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