07-11-24 FED Slibe MG News PM

AI Hits Another Sector While Jill Biden Does What Joe Cannot

Your Evening News

Before you log off for the night, we thought we’d send you a bit more news so that you know what’s going on in the world, as well as an inspirational quote.

Inspirational Quote

“It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

The Latest Stories

New Artificial Intelligence Platform Set To Revolutionize Sermon Preparation For Pastors

Later this month, a groundbreaking artificial intelligence platform designed specifically for assisting pastors in crafting effective sermons will finally see the light of day. Dubbed Pulpit AI, co-founders Michael Whittle and Jake Sweetman announced that users can expect access to both complimentary and premium features upon official rollout slated for July 22nd.

As reported exclusively to Fox News Digital via zoom interviews, Whittle resides in Nashville whereas Sweetman serves as Senior Pastor of LA-based Cathedral Church-a venture founded alongside Whittle-both boasting decade-old friendship ties between themselves.

At its core, Pulpit AI functions as a cutting-edge application capable of seamlessly transforming various forms of inputted sermons-including audio files, manuscripts, outlines et al.-into diverse supplementary materials catering to pastoral needs such as devotionals, study guidebooks, news bulletins, plus engaging digital posts tailored towards congregational engagement. As succinctly explained by Whittle: "Pulpit AI is a generative AI app that allows churches and pastors, church leaders, to upload any version of their sermons... Then our app automatically turns [the sermon] into all kinds of associated content that a pastor or a church could need, based on that sermon". This innovative solution aims squarely at alleviating clerical burdens thereby allowing spiritual leaders greater latitude focusing energies elsewhere within their respective parishes.

Is America Being Duped by the Real Power Behind the Throne?

In a shocking display of audacity, First Lady Jill Biden took center stage yesterday, filling in for her supposedly still-in-the-running-for-president husband, Joe Biden. Meanwhile, the actual candidate remained MIA from the campaign trail, sparking concerns about his fitness for duty.

Listen closely to Doctorate-holding Jill assertively declaring during one such stump speech: “For all the talk out there about this race, Joe has made it clear that he is all in. That's the decision he has made… I am all in too.” One wonders aloud: If Joe truly means business, where exactly does he plan to channel this alleged commitment?!


A Must-Read Tweet

Have a great night!
Sam Bennett

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