07-13-24 FED Native Path News AM

Biden’s Accepting the Truth & Other News

Today’s Morning News

Good Morning! So glad that you could wake up and click to read our morning newsletter. It’s packed with stuff, so be sure to read all the way through!

Your Daily Cartoon

Biden’s Giving It His AllNews blurb

Biden says he’s not going to be defeated. He also says he’s not going to step down. 

There is one thing he’s saying, though. Supposedly, he’d be okay if Trump wins in November as long as he knows he gave it his all.


Hey Friend… it’s me—your bladder!

I’m trying to help you out here. 

I’ve noticed less water coming through lately… and you might think that will make those occasional leaks and urges better…

But the truth is, too much water is NOT the cause of your bathroom struggles…

In fact, it’s the opposite. 

Once you hit 50, a few things got out of whack.

Kidneys stopped filtering fluid as well as they once did - causing concentrated urine that irritates your bladder and causes spontaneous urges.

Thirst signals slow down, causing you to drink less- making bladder muscles lazy and causing occasional leaks.

Luckily, US Army researchers decoded a shockingly easy water trick with two ingredients that can improve muscle strength by 36%, improve bladder health by 58%, and give you control back…

All by targeting the true cause of bladder problems


We’re going to be feeling GREAT soon,

Your Bladder

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Have a great day!
Sam Bennett