07-17-24 FED Health Secrets News PM

Is Biden an Expert in Anything These Days? And Why the Heat Waves Are a Problem

Your Evening News

Before you log off for the night, we thought we’d send you a bit more news so that you know what’s going on in the world, as well as an inspirational quote.

Inspirational Quote

“In politics stupidity is not a handicap”


The Latest Stories

Biden Weighs Heavily on Foreign Policy

In recent days, Joe Biden boasted about his extensive diplomatic background as grounds to maintain himself as the Democratic presidential contender on the ballot; however, numerous individuals have questioned both his competence and exaggerated claims regarding accomplishments.

At a news briefing held recently, Biden declared, “Throughout this past week, multiple heads-of-state took pains to express gratitude towards America while also thanking myself specifically for everything accomplished within NATO.” Additionally, he emphasized that NATO expansion due to incorporating Finland plus Sweden significantly strengthens global security.

When asked about altering initial intentions toward becoming merely a transitional figurehead allowing newer Democrats to take over leadership roles, Biden attributed such change of heart primarily to inheriting grave economic conditions alongside intense political divisions domestically upon assuming office.

Uncovering the Sinister Link Between Scorching Temperatures and Poor Air Quality

As record-shattering highs engulf vast swaths of America, claiming lives in cities like Portland and Death Valley, Californians face not only suffocating heat but also noxious fumes choking the very life out of them. What drives this deadly duo? 

Dr. Mariani-Anne Kiourmtzaglou, an Associate Professor of Environmental Health Sciences at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health, revealed that solar radiation spawns ground-zero toxicity—specifically, ozone—within the earth's stratosphere. This pernicious pollutant tends to intensify under sizzling sunbeams accompanied by stagnant winds.

"The pollution can stay over a city," Dr. Kiousmrtzagloul warned ominously.

Johns Hopkins University's Dr. Peter Decarlo explains, "Summertime conditions, where it's hot and there's lots of sunlight, kinda pushes that chemistry to move quicker making even more ozone."

According to non-profit powerhouse University Corp. For Atmosph. Research, drought-stricken regions further fan the flames of airborne toxins through rampant forest infernos, which release CO and PM emissions into our fragile ecosystem.


Cell phones have been identified as potentially carcinogenic, but that’s not all. A new group has emerged as being high-risk - Are you a part of that group?

A Must-Read Tweet

Have a great night!
Sam Bennett

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