07-20-24 FED Lion News PM

Picasso Paintings, an Attack on a Blue Checkmark, and More

Your Evening News

Before you log off for the night, we thought we’d send you a bit more news so that you know what’s going on in the world, as well as an inspirational quote.

Inspirational Quote

"Even if happiness forgets you a little bit, never completely forget about it."

Jaques Prevert

The Latest Stories

Fake Picassos Spark Controversy Down Under

Wellington, NZ - A recent scandal involving counterfeit artworks attributed to renowned painter Pablo Picasso has sent shockwaves across the globe. At the heart of the controversy lies the curious tale of Kirsha Kaechele, a crafty curator at Tasmania's Museum of Old and New Art (MONA). It appears that these "masterpieces" weren't crafted by the legendary Spaniard himself, nor any celebrated artist; instead, they're the handiwork of none other than Kaechele herself!

Kaechele finally confessed to creating the disputed pieces following inquiries from both local reporters and officials representing the authenticator extraordinaire – the French-based Picasso Administration. This astonishing revelation comes hot on heels of over three whole years since those very same fakes first went up on display! What makes matters all the stranger still? During that time span, nobody bothered pointing out the glaring error committed by our enterprising Aussie curator... namely hanging one such forgery upside-down within the hallowed halls of MONA's 'Ladies' Lounge'.

"I imagined that a Picasso scholar, or maybe just a Picasso fan, or maybe just someone who Googles things, would visit the Ladies Lounge and see that the painting was upside down and expose me on social media," Kaechele sheepishly admits now.

EU Bureaucrats Target Free Speech Champion Elon Musk's Platform X

In yet another attempt to stifle freedom of expression, EU regulators have launched a scathing attack on entrepreneur extraordinaire Elon Musk's revolutionary platform X, accusing it of being "deceptive" and failing to meet transparency and accountability standards.

Under the guise of enforcing its draconian Digital Services Act (DSA), Brussels bureaucrats claim that X's coveted blue checkmark system - once a badge of honor reserved for verified influencers and thought leaders - has been compromised due to its accessibility via subscription-based model introduced after Musk acquired the platform in 2022.

According to the Eurocrats' warped logic, this democratization of verifiability somehow undermines user autonomy, making it difficult for individuals to discern authentic voices amidst the noise. As stated by the European Commission itself, "Since anyone can subscribe to obtain such a verified' status,' it negatively affects users' ability to make free and informed decisions about the authenticity of the accounts and the content they interact with."


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A Must-Read Tweet

Have a great night!
Sam Bennett

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