07-25-24 FED News PM

Google’s Censorship Games and Other News

Your Evening News

Before you log off for the night, we thought we’d send you a bit more news so that you know what’s going on in the world, as well as an inspirational quote.

Inspirational Quote

“The essence of America—that which really unites us—is not ethnicity, or nationality or religion—it is an idea—and what an idea it is: That you can come from humble circumstances and do great things.”

Condoleezza Rice

The Latest News

Google’s Back to Censorship Games

If you were to try to google anything about Trump and his campaign, you’d have to do quite a bit of searching. That’s because Google is a liberal entity, and they’re doing everything they can to keep Trump from getting seen.

It’s also a form of censorship, which means that Google is going against the First Amendment.


A Must-Read Tweet

Have a great night!
Sam Bennett

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