07-29-24 FED RAV-GoldCo News PM

20 American Universities Still Want Proof of COVID Vaccines!

Your Evening News

Before you log off for the night, we thought we’d send you a bit more news so that you know what’s going on in the world, as well as an inspirational quote.

Inspirational Quote

“America is a tune. It must be sung together.”

Gerald Stanley Lee

The Latest News

These 20 Universities Are Still Mandating the Toxic COVID Shots

It’s 2024. We’ve had enough science to say that the COVID shots haven’t really done anything in terms of preventing COVID. And it’s hardly the super spreader disease that it used to be.

So, then, why are there still dozens of universities mandating that students get vaccinated?

Read on.



''It is in the best interest of my party to focus on my duties for the remainder of my term.'' President Joe Biden

Does that mean he’ll force through this hidden tax trap at the last second?

Even Trump can’t stop it, because this devastating tax assault could launch before the election.

Click Here To Defend Yourself


  • Raid your retirement funds…
  • Supercharge income taxes…
  • Increase utility and gas prices… 
  • Inflate costs on things you need to live…
  • Surrender your money to foreign governments…
Sean Hannity

Some or all of this could affect you or your family in one way or another.

So if you want to “wait and see”, you may as well kiss your retirement savings goodbye.

But whether Trump wins, or Kamala takes it…

You can be prepared. But you better hurry… 

Click Here To Protect Yourself Now

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A Must-Read Tweet

Have a great night!
Sam Bennett

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