08-04-24 FED Green Valley MG News PM

Good Luck Trying to Find Hillbilly Elegy on Shelves

Your Evening News

Before you log off for the night, we thought we’d send you a bit more news so that you know what’s going on in the world, as well as an inspirational quote.

Inspirational Quote

“I have spent my life judging the distance between American reality and the American dream.”

Bruce Springsteen

The Latest News

European publishers who hold the right to Hillbilly Elegy have suspended sales. Why? The book is too political, and they don’t want it in print at the moment.

The thing is, the book was written and became a bestseller long before Vance even became a senator.



Dear ,

Many of the elite & rich are paying over $100,000 for stem cell therapies that help them look and feel 30+ years younger.

New Yorker magazine says these expensive new therapies work like a charm: “Hollywood elites and billionaires are growing younger...”1

Harvard Medical School reports, “The findings represent a breakthrough in aging research...” And Time Magazine proposes that the process of replacing aging cells may be as “simple as plucking out gray hairs.”

The good news for you is that clinical research on a newly discovered Tibetan food has a nutrient in it that tricks your body into replenishing your own natural supply of stem cells...

And... it starts happening within minutes. Click below to find out how.

=> Stem Cells - 60 Is The New 30

Kind regards,
The Green Valley Naturals Team

PS: The research on this unique nutrient is shocking doctors from around the world. This is your chance to look and feel 30 years younger without dropping 100k.

=> Stem Cells - 60 Is The New 30


1 https:// www .newyorker .com /magazine/2017/04/03/silicon-valleys-quest-to-live-forever

A Must-Read Tweet

Have a great night!
Sam Bennett

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