08-06-24 FED Investor Place News AM

Sorry, Trump - Snapchat’s Not Going to Reinstate You

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Why Trump Remains Blocked on Snapchat & Other Social Platforms

The liberal bias of Silicon Valley elites knows no bounds! Despite allowing terrorist organizations and authoritarian regimes to spread hatred on their platforms, they've deemed fit to silence conservative voices like former President Donald J. Trump. As Trump gears up for another White House bid in 2024, only Snapchat remains stubbornly opposed to restoring his account among the top social media giants.

RNC Spokeswoman Anna Kelley aptly summed up the situation: "Since President Trump first ran for office, liberals in big tech have allowed terrorists and dictators to spout hate speech on their platforms while banning President Trump in a shameless attempt to help Democrats win elections."

This gross double standard became glaringly apparent during Trump's presidency when Snapchat joined forces with other left-leaning outlets -Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube- suspending him due to alleged 'policy violations.' Only Snapchat refuses to budge even now!

A Snapchat representative feebly justified their stance citing Terms-of-service restrictions preventing restoration of banned users. Meanwhile, they're eager to rake in ad revenue from Team Trump, going so far as to suggest buying ads targeting key demographics who might support the ex-President's reelection effort. Talk about hypocrisy!


Have you noticed it too?

All the anger, resentment, and violence happening in our communities?

All the strikes going on over basic living needs and pay?

Everywhere you look there are heightened feelings of despair, frustration, and confusion especially when it comes to money.

America’s streets are quickly becoming ground-zero for a class war that’s been building for years.

Ordinary everyday Americans are flat out of money.

Wealthy Americans are running out of money.

Most people have no idea it’s about to get a whole lot worse.

I’ve spent 44 years on Wall Street.

I’ve managed billions of dollars for some of the wealthiest people in this country.

Even wealthy Americans will be shocked at how quickly things unravel.

In fact, it’s the rich who are at the greatest risk of suffering the biggest decline in their quality of life.

That’s what compelled me to create this video regarding the #1 financial threat to Americans today.

I am literally afraid for my family’s future.

I’m taking drastic steps to prepare for what I know will inevitably happen next.

We’ve never seen anything like this coming our way before.

I haven’t. You haven’t. Nobody has.

You can view my video by clicking here.


Louis Navellier
Senior QuantitativeInvestment Analyst, InvestorPlace

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Sam Bennett