08-07-24 FED Phytage News PM

LA Homeless Get an App, But Will It Work?

Your Evening News

Inspirational Quote

"If you don’t vote, you lose the right to complain.”

George Carlin

The Latest News

Finding shelter can be a daunting task for the homeless in Los Angeles, especially since Newsom has ordered tent cities to be cleared up.

But don’t worry – there’s an app for that.


If you struggle to fully empty your bladder...

It means that your prostate is so swollen…

That it’s making it impossible for you to pee more than just a few drops at a time.

The good news is, there’s now a new “two-step prostate shrinker” that can reverse your swollen prostate FAST.

It’s simple and proven to work. All you have to do is:

STEP 1) Grab a glass of sparkling water.

STEP 2) Add a teaspoon of THIS and drink it.

Wait a few minutes, and then enjoy the best pee of your last 10 years.

=> New “prostate shrinker” leaves urologists SHOCKED

A Must-Read Tweet

Have a great night!
Sam Bennett

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