08-10-24 FED News mid Day

Trump Might Not Be the Only One with a Hit Out for Him

A Mid-Day News Break

The Latest News


If you’re not sleeping through the night, it’s time you learn the TRUTH about magnesium. You have the ability to reset your body’s internal clock.

5 Weird Facts of the Day

Just when you think things couldn’t get any weirder…

  • August has two birth flowers – the gladiolus and the crimson poppy.

  • There are no stop signs in Paris.

  • Bird’s nest soup is popular in Southeast Asia and is made of gooey bird saliva.

  • Days on Earth are getting longer, increasing by 1.7 milliseconds every century. When Earth first formed, a day was only six hours long.

  • Researchers have developed a self-powered "bug" that can skim across water to gather environmental data.

Talk to you soon,
Sam Bennett

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