08-16-24 FED News Mid Day

Harris’s Secret Service Detail Breaks into a Salon…

A Mid-Day News Break

The Latest News


What you eat could have a significant impact on your memory. A NASA doc has already blown the whistle on five toxins that may be in the food you’re eating.

5 Weird Facts of the Day

Just when you think things couldn’t get any weirder…

  • Oregon has a town named "Boring," which actually describes its neighboring town, "Dull," in Scotland.

  • Origin of BBQ: The term "barbecue" is derived from the Taino word "barbacoa," which referred to a method of slow-cooking meat on a wooden grill or platform.

  • Human Teeth: Your teeth are as unique as your fingerprints. Each person's dental structure is different, and no two sets of teeth are exactly the same.

  • Autonomous Vehicles: Self-driving cars are expected to reduce traffic congestion by optimizing driving patterns and communication between vehicles, potentially leading to smoother traffic flow and fewer accidents.

  • Alaska has a town named "Chicken," which got its name because the settlers couldn't spell the native word for the ptarmigan bird.

Talk to you soon,
Sam Bennett

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