08-18-24 FED Live Durable News PM

Every Day, Afghans Silently Curse Biden

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Life’s Getting Worse in Afghanistan, All Because of the Taliban

Three years following the Taliban's swift takeover of Kabul on August 15, 2021, Afghanistan has plunged deeper into a humanitarian abyss, with the regime's draconian policies severely impacting the Afghan populace. The situation has deteriorated significantly, with women's rights virtually obliterated and the nation ostracized mainly from the global community.

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) reports a dire economic collapse post-Taliban resurgence, primarily due to the cessation of international aid through mechanisms like the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund. Currently, a staggering quarter of the Afghan population faces acute food insecurity; over half require humanitarian assistance, and nearly 70% are subsistence insecure, lacking consistent access to essentials such as food, water, and healthcare.

The Taliban's enforcement of extreme ideologies has only worsened the economic turmoil, with severe restrictions placed on women, barring them from employment and education. This regression raises poignant questions about the state of Afghanistan compared to its condition before the U.S. intervention post-9/11.

"If it's not worse, it's heading in that direction quickly," commented Michael Rubin, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, highlighting the rapid decline in living conditions and freedoms.

Under Taliban rule, not only have previous bans on women been reinstated, but the regime has also resumed public corporal punishments, including floggings and executions. Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada, the Taliban's supreme leader, has even threatened to reintroduce stoning for adultery. "The biggest difference between now and pre-2001 is the Taliban are much better resourced," Rubin added, noting the group's enhanced capabilities despite the absence of direct international funding.


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Have a great night!
Sam Bennett

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