08-19-24 FED Investor Place News PM

Pack You Bags, Boys, You’re Leaving Gaza!

Your Evening News

Before you log off for the night, we thought we’d send you a bit more news so that you know what’s going on in the world, as well as an inspirational quote.

Inspirational Quote

“There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured with what is right in America.”

Bill Clinton

The Latest News

Troops in Gaza See an End Date (Finally)

The majority of U.S. military personnel who were deployed to Gaza for a humanitarian aid mission have safely returned to American soil, with the remainder expected to follow by mid-September, according to defense officials. This marks the conclusion of a mission that has stirred considerable debate regarding the strategic and humanitarian implications of U.S. military involvement in the region.

Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh confirmed that over 540 service members have already returned this month, with approximately 100 more anticipated to arrive in the coming days. In a statement, Pentagon officials noted, “All remaining personnel and JLOTS equipment are scheduled to return by mid-September.” The mission, which involved the distribution of aid, will conclude after delivering an additional 6 million pounds of undistributed aid.

The mission centered around constructing a temporary floating pier by Joint Logistics Over-the-Shore (JLOTS) specialists. This innovative approach was designed to bypass the perilous land-based border crossings into Gaza, facilitating faster and safer delivery of approximately 20 million pounds of food and humanitarian supplies to the beleaguered region over three months.

However, the mission was not without its challenges. Adverse weather and logistical complications often hindered access to the pier. Moreover, the safety of U.S. troops was a constant concern, underscored by the injuries of three service members in non-combat-related incidents and the voiced apprehensions of Republican lawmakers about the potential targeting of U.S. forces by terrorists—a threat that, fortunately, did not materialize.

The decision to terminate the pier project in mid-July followed a recommendation from U.S. Central Command after the structure detached from the shore due to bad weather. At its operational height, the mission involved around 1,000 U.S. service members and eight military vessels.


A Silent Invasion of America 

A silent invasion is happening all over America.

By the end of next year, it will be headline news.

It has nothing to do with the border…

But it will ultimately end with even more disastrous results.


It all has to do with a faceless entity coming in by air, rail, port, and highway.

And it can all be explained by looking at this map.

Do you see how widespread this invasion is?

It’s in nearly every major city and town in America.

What does it mean for you and your money?

In short, it means time is running out to secure your place before you’re left behind in America’s new permanent underclass.

There’s still time to prepare, but you must act today — right now.

Click here to see what you can do to make sure you’re not left behind.

A Must-Read Tweet

Have a great night!
Sam Bennett

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