08-19-24 FED News Mid Day

A Looming Financial Crisis, and a Food Crisis, Too?

A Mid-Day News Break

The Latest News


History repeats itself – and watching money patterns shift will tell you that you have about two years left to protect your money. There are already signs that it’s happening, and that’s why you have to be prepared.

5 Weird Facts of the Day

Just when you think things couldn’t get any weirder…

  • In North Carolina, you can visit the "Lost Colony," an abandoned settlement from the late 16th century.

  • The Leonid meteor shower, which is one of the most famous meteor showers, often peaks in August, although its most impressive displays occur in November.

  • In China, the Ghost Festival is observed in August, where people honor deceased ancestors and offer food and gifts.

  • The US is the only country that has had astronauts walk on the Moon.

  • Vermont has no billboards—it's a law designed to keep the state’s natural beauty pristine.

Talk to you soon,
Sam Bennett

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