08-30-24 FED News Mid Day

The FBI Might as Well Hold Docs at Mar-A-Lago

A Mid-Day News Break

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Italians have kept a secret for thousands of years: olive oil. It not only adds flavor to the foods you love, but also improves blood sugar, skin moisture levels, and even helps with fat loss. Check this out!

5 Weird Facts of the Day

Just when you think things couldn’t get any weirder…

  • The first computer game, "Spacewar!", was created in 1962 by MIT students. It is considered one of the most influential games in the early development of video gaming.

  • Apple cider is one of the oldest beverages, with origins dating back to at least 55 B.C., when Romans found the Celts in Britain drinking a fermented apple beverage.

  • The National Apple Harvest Festival in Pennsylvania is one of the oldest and most popular in the U.S.

  • In Asia, fall marks the time for various lantern festivals, such as Taiwan’s Mid-Autumn Festival, where people release sky lanterns, and Japan’s Obon Festival, where floating lanterns guide spirits back to the afterlife.

  • Pumpkin festivals are a staple of fall, particularly in North America. Events often include pumpkin carving, pumpkin catapulting (known as "punkin chunkin"), and giant pumpkin weigh-offs.

Talk to you soon,
Sam Bennett

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