09-03-24 FED Pure Ads News PM

Save the Elephants or Feed the Population?

Your Evening News

Inspirational Quote

“Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.”

Dwight D. Eisenhower

The Latest News

Namibia Takes Pragmatic Approach to Address Hunger Crisis

As the devastating effects of a century-old drought continue to ravage southern Africa, leaving over 30 million individuals on the brink of starvation, one brave nation has taken bold action: Namibia plans to harvest select wildlife populations to provide sustenance for approximately half of its population – roughly 700,000 desperate citizens.

In response to this unprecedented humanitarian crisis, Namibia's Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism declared that "this [plan] is necessary" as it aligns perfectly with their constitutionally mandated duty to utilize national resources for the betterment of all Namibians. In other words, putting the needs of their own people above ideological sentimentality towards certain species.

Not everyone agrees that culling these magnificent creatures amounts to environmental heresy; rather, many experts recognize such controlled measures can yield significant benefits when executed responsibly. As Dr. Rose Mwebaza, Director of the UN Environment Programme's Africa office, aptly put it," Well-managed, sustainable harvesting of healthy wild animal populations can be a precious source of food for communities."

It seems pragmatism has won out here against emotional appeals or rigid dogma regarding conservation at any cost. While no solution can ever claim perfection, sometimes hard choices must be made to protect human life itself. And if carefully managed hunting efforts mean feeding families teetering on the edge of catastrophe, then so be it.


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Have a great night!
Sam Bennett

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