09-16-24 FED Al Sears News AM

Today’s Morning News

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No Second Debate for Trump

In a surprising turn of events for the 2024 presidential campaign, former President Donald Trump has declared he will not participate in a second debate against Vice President Kamala Harris. This decision comes in the wake of their first head-to-head debate, which has been widely discussed across various platforms, including X (formerly known as Twitter), where sentiments range from Trump supporters claiming victory to critics seeing it as an admission of defeat.

The refusal to debate again has sparked a flurry of reactions. On X, users like @DEBRAWA43526481 and @TaraDanger3 highlighted Trump's reluctance as an acknowledgment of loss, while others like @maggieNYT pointed out Trump's earlier conditions for debates, suggesting a pattern of strategic avoidance. The Harris campaign, seizing the opportunity, has portrayed this move as Trump's fear of facing Harris again, aiming to leverage this narrative to boost her campaign.


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Sam Bennett